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2020-05-doc4 Faillissementsakkoord als ware het aangenomen

Vorige week riep ik geïnteresseerden op (zie commentaar te geven op conceptteksten die ik momenteel schrijf voor de 5e druk van Wessels Insolventierecht VI (Het akkoord). Ik hoop het manuscript in de eerste week juni 2020 naar de bureauredactie van Wolters Kluwer te kunnen sturen. Reacties graag voor het eind van de maand naar: Hierbij de concepttekst: +++… Read More »2020-05-doc4 Faillissementsakkoord als ware het aangenomen

2020-05-doc3 Brexit and the financial industry

Brexit has been overshadowed by the COVID-19 monster, but it is still a reality. In the book ‘Brexit and financial regulation’ a practical guidance is provided on the complexities of Brexit as it applies to financial institutions. It presents a detailed account of the myriad of laws, regulations and institutional opinions, such as those from the European Banking Authority and… Read More »2020-05-doc3 Brexit and the financial industry

2020-05-doc2 Bijdragen aan Het akkoord (Wessels Insolventierecht VI 2020)?

Met de 5e druk van alle delen in de serie Wessels Insolventierecht ben ik in het eerste kwartaal van 2018 gestart. Deel IV (bestuur en beheer na faillietverklaring) verscheen begin dit jaar en in juni 2020 verwacht ik dat Deel V (Verificatie van schuldvorderingen) in de boekwinkel zal liggen. Momenteel ben ik de uit 2014 daterende teksten van Deel VI… Read More »2020-05-doc2 Bijdragen aan Het akkoord (Wessels Insolventierecht VI 2020)?

2020-05-doc1 Newsletter for de banking sector, GBRR

In Global Restructuring Review (GRR) I have a regular column. Its publisher has recently launched GBRR, the Global Banking Regulation Review, which evidently focuses on the financial industry. It is possible to sign up to receive GBRR’s free email briefing and get access to Global Banking Regulation Review’s latest content during its initial launch period. Recent examples of its content… Read More »2020-05-doc1 Newsletter for de banking sector, GBRR

2020-04-doc8 2020 Yearbook Insolvency and Restructuring in Germany

For the 11th time Schultze & Braun (GmbH Rechtsanwaltgesellschaft) published its Yearbook Insolvency and Restructuring in Germany, now edition 2020. The Yearbook does not cover a general theme, rather contains a potpourri of substantial and statistic subject, legislative texts (the German Insolvency Act and the Regulation recast) and a glossary of legal terms with translations in various languages. Also matters… Read More »2020-04-doc8 2020 Yearbook Insolvency and Restructuring in Germany

2020-04-doc6 Who has seen an insolvency protocol lately?

In the world of cross-border insolvency a ‘protocol’ can be described as a means of agreeing the alignment between different insolvency proceedings, or of establishing how (pre-) reorganisation measures will be taken across a number of jurisdictions. A cross-border insolvency agreement is designed to overcome certain legal or factual obstacles that could otherwise be an impediment to achieving a restructuring… Read More »2020-04-doc6 Who has seen an insolvency protocol lately?

2020-04-doc5 Do we know what a Rembrandt painting looks like?

It took some 150 years before, gradually, the 19th century experienced Rembrandt becoming the subject of more serious scholarship. Research began with the recording of anecdotes about his life, but increasingly a more factual approach on his work was adopted. As early as 1810 the first catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt’s etchings was published by William Esdaile. A first catalogue of… Read More »2020-04-doc5 Do we know what a Rembrandt painting looks like?

2020-04-doc4 Model Standstill Agreement may assist in COVID-19 times

In these extraordinary, unprecedented times two US lawyers (prof. Jonathan Lipson and Norman Powell) felt they need to do something to avoid disastrously contractual fights between parties resulting in overburdening the court system. Published under the auspices of the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) they published a model standstill/tolling agreement. In stead of ending up in… Read More »2020-04-doc4 Model Standstill Agreement may assist in COVID-19 times

2020-04-doc3 Improving the EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast)

Early this year the book Recasting the Insolvency Regulation – Improvements and Missed Opportunities was published. Its editors are Vesna Lazić (T.M.C. Asser Institute; University of Utrecht) and Steven Stuij (Erasmus School of Law). The book contains five contributions, covering 130 pages, and is published by Asser Press as number 3 in a Short Studies in Private International Law Series.… Read More »2020-04-doc3 Improving the EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast)

2020-04-doc2 Asian Principles of Business Restructuring: a promising first step

It is timely and most appropriate to report about the Asian Principles of Business Restructuring Project undertaken by the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) and the International Insolvency Institute (III). I have the honor to serve as a member of the Advisory Committee providing supervision and guidance to the Project, see for its start The Project covers 16 jurisdictions,… Read More »2020-04-doc2 Asian Principles of Business Restructuring: a promising first step