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Book Review

2024-07-doc5 Cuniberti and Leandro (eds.), A new Commentary on the European Insolvency Regulation

EIR 2000. Nearly 25 years ago, it was a breakthrough in the rather terra incognita field of international insolvency law in Europe. Indeed, there was a draft treaty that had been worked on for more than 30 years – with ups and downs. For political reasons that draft faded into the background, however, large parts of its contents could be… Read More »2024-07-doc5 Cuniberti and Leandro (eds.), A new Commentary on the European Insolvency Regulation

2024-05-doc2 Re-Examining Insolvency Law and Theory

Re-examining Insolvency Law and Theory. Perspectives for the 21st Century Four decades ago, looking at insolvency acts in many countries, its core was related to formal (procedural) proceedings, focussing on assets and on liquidation, managed by ‘liquidators’ (IPs) all full-blown controlled by courts. Especially during the last two decades, however, the paradigm has shifted: less formal (quasi-contractual) procedures, focussing on… Read More »2024-05-doc2 Re-Examining Insolvency Law and Theory

2024-04-doc1 Assignment of claims, subrogation and set-off

My colleague from the University of Bari Aldo Moro, prof. Antonio Leandro, wrote a book (in Italian) under the title ‘Movement and Extinction of Commercial Credits in Conflicts of law of the EU. The ‘Rome I’ Regulation between the Internal Market and the Capital Market.’ It is a complex topic, not often addressed in depth. Reason enough to ask Antonio… Read More »2024-04-doc1 Assignment of claims, subrogation and set-off

2023-12-doc2 Persoonlijk privaatrecht

De privaatrechtelijke masters van de Erasmus School of Law verrassen elk jaar weer. Al weer het zestiende deel van de serie Jonge Meesters bevat elk jaar het resultaat van onderling afgestemde scripties van afgestudeerden. Vorig jaar lag de focus op “Publiek privaatrecht”, met tien bijdragen over publieke doelen en belangen in privaatrechtelijke verhoudingen. Ik gaf een korte impressie van dit… Read More »2023-12-doc2 Persoonlijk privaatrecht

2023-08-doc2 Lost and Found: Database of insolvency protocols

Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups is the title of a book that I have written together with my Leiden colleague Ilya Kokorin. In May 2021 it has been published by Edward Elgar Publishing in the series Elgar Corporate and Insolvency Law and Practice. Cross-border insolvency protocols were an intriguing new development in the early days in my… Read More »2023-08-doc2 Lost and Found: Database of insolvency protocols

2023-07-doc3 Advanced Introduction to Cross-border Insolvency Law

Professor Bork (University of Hamburg) is one of the most active authors in Europe about all aspects of international insolvency law, be it European, comparative or international, both practical as well as theoretical. In his new book Advanced introduction to Cross-Border Insolvency Law, he introduces the applicable codification, under which term he includes transnational law, non-binding recommendations (soft law, although… Read More »2023-07-doc3 Advanced Introduction to Cross-border Insolvency Law

2023-07-doc1 Cross Border Restructuring & Insolvency 2012-2022

The book with this title, shortly introduced here, is a remarkable contribution to the understanding of large cross-border restructuring and insolvency cases. No doubt it will be a valuable tool for experts in this area, not only for the topics covered as well as for the colleagues of the authors delivering it. Its background lies in the International Insolvency Institute… Read More »2023-07-doc1 Cross Border Restructuring & Insolvency 2012-2022

2023-06-doc4 Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht, editie 2023

Het Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht behoort met Wolters Kluwer’s Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht tot het praktijkgereedschap van ieder die zich met het insolventierecht bezighoudt. De tekst van de nieuwste editie van Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht is op 1 januari 2023 afgesloten. T&C Commentaar Insolventierecht kent als redactionele afsluitdatum september 2022. Ik besprak de laatste editie begin dit jaar, zie Opbouw boek.… Read More »2023-06-doc4 Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht, editie 2023

2023-01-doc5 Ars Aequi teksteditie Insolventierecht 2023

Bij de studie van het insolventierecht is het handig alle relevante regelgeving bij elkaar te hebben. Relevant in het bijzonder, om naast typisch insolventierecht (vooral de Faillissementswet) ook andere regelgeving op het gebied van het insolventierecht onder handbereik te hebben. De ‘dikke’ wettenbundels van Wolters Kluwer en SDU missen details die een masterstudent nodig heeft. Die andere regelgeving is in… Read More »2023-01-doc5 Ars Aequi teksteditie Insolventierecht 2023

2023-01-doc4 Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, 13e druk, 2022

De trouwe compagnon van menig jurist werkzaam in het insolventierecht verscheen weer eind 2022: Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, in een 13e druk, wederom onder redactie van J.L.M. Groenewegen (CMS, Amsterdam) en F.M.J. Verstijlen (hoogleraar Groningen). De presentatie is bekend: wettekst geordend per wetsartikel, commentaar bij afzonderlijke onderdelen c.q. leden van het wetsartikel, bondige verwijzingen naar parlementaire geschiedenis en rechtspraak, soms… Read More »2023-01-doc4 Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, 13e druk, 2022