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2020-05-doc6 Coping collectively with COVID-19


ICR corona 17-3-1

This editorial makes a call to practitioners, scholars and regulators to adopt an agenda for future research, and a call to global financial institutions to fund and further such research. It will appear shortly, in: 17 International Corporate Rescue 2020, Issue 3, published by Chase Cambria Publishing ( The topic we all understand, wherever we are, walking at physical distance from our fellow citizens, no beer with friends on a terrace, no movies, and working at home: to establish predictable frameworks for emergency situations. In this contribution related to restructuring and insolvency matters a call is made for substantial research into a sharp legal respons to extraordinary situations (such as the corona pandemic), for a mirror-type of framework on how to go back in an orderly way to an as far as imaginable ordinary situation (post-corona) and for dealing with fraudsters and crooks, misusing the sheer unlimited liquidity governments have infused in our economies nearly unconditionally.