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Book Review

2018-04-doc3 Harmonising security rights in the EU?

The EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast) (848/2015) applies since June 2016 to 26 member states (all, except Denmark). In these states more than 100 different collective insolvency proceedings can be used, by natural persons or by companies. Some countries only provide for one such insolvency proceeding (Bulgaria, Croatia), in other countries two proceedings can be opened (Estonia) or three (The Netherlands,… Read More »2018-04-doc3 Harmonising security rights in the EU?

2017-12-doc2 Corporate insolvency law, as memoires

A professional self-portrait. This is my characterisation for the book with the title ‘The Framework of Corporate Insolvency Law’, written by Hamish Anderson. Hamish was a partner and now consultant of Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, and – since 2016 – a Honorary Professor at Nottingham Trent University. Anderson and (now) Lord Justice David Richards (I take from his Foreword to… Read More »2017-12-doc2 Corporate insolvency law, as memoires

2017-11-doc7 Some remarks on the Model Law

The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, celebrating its 20th year of existence, is world-wide regarded as a valuable tool in organising a country’s provisions of international insolvency law. The Model Law deals in its core with recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings, communication and cooperation of proceedings (by insolvency practitioners and courts) concerning the same debtor and the rights of… Read More »2017-11-doc7 Some remarks on the Model Law

2017-10-doc6 Polak-Pannevis, Insolventierecht, 14e druk, 2017

De laatste 20 jaar verscheen van het boek Polak/Pannevis, Insolventierecht, om de 3 jaar een nieuwe druk. In september 2017 verscheen de 14e druk van het boek dat tot 2011 de titel ‘Faillissementsrecht’ had. Voorwaar een prestatie van formaat. De titel van het boek is wel, maar de opzet is niet gewijzigd. Dus wordt de gehele stof aan de hand… Read More »2017-10-doc6 Polak-Pannevis, Insolventierecht, 14e druk, 2017

2017-10-doc1 Book Bork on Cross Border Insolvency Law

The core thesis of this book, shortly reviewed here, is that cross-border insolvency rules of all kinds are founded on, and can be traced back to, basic values and that they aim to pursue and enforce such values. The book Principles of Cross-border Insolvency Law is written by professor Reinhard Bork, a very productive scholar of the University of Hamburg.… Read More »2017-10-doc1 Book Bork on Cross Border Insolvency Law

2017-09-doc9 2016 book of Look Chan Ho

With the date of this publication cited as at Buddha’s Birthday 2016, in the book ‘Cross-Border Insolvency: Principles and Practice’ (Sweet & Maxwell, 2016, xlv + 351 pages), its author Look Chan Ho, discusses English cross-border insolvency law. The author is dissatisfied that this area of law lacks a solid taxonomic order and that practices relies too much on improvisation.… Read More »2017-09-doc9 2016 book of Look Chan Ho

2017-06-doc3 Fifth edition Fletcher – The Law of Insolvency

Some legal academics have a prominent influence in their field of expertise for some decades. For English insolvency law such an academic is Ian Fletcher, an emeritus professor of International Commercial Law, University College London. Even though having a time-honoured status, Fletcher is not retired, rather he is still active. Last month he delivered – via his publisher Sweet &… Read More »2017-06-doc3 Fifth edition Fletcher – The Law of Insolvency

2017-04-doc7 Book announcement of Braun’s 7th ed.

Germany is one of Europe’s lager countries where restructuring and insolvency law has changed dramatically over the last decade. The book of Eberhard Braun, InsO – Insolvenzordung, 7th ed., C.H. Beck, 2017, 2060 pp. (ISBN 978-3-406-69675-6), known as ‘the Braun’, reflects these recent changes. It provides an article-by-article commentary on the German Insolvenzordnung, with in addition a commentary on the… Read More »2017-04-doc7 Book announcement of Braun’s 7th ed.

2017-02-doc5 book review EuInsVO 2015

The book of Peter Mankowski, Michael Müller, Jessica Schmidt, EuInsVO 2015. Europäische Insolvenzverordnung 2015. Kommentar, München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2016, shortly reviewed by me and published in European Company Law Journal, February 2017. See:

2016-10-doc7 Book reviews EIR Recast

Recently published in European Company Law (no. 4, 2016) my review of two recent books on the EU Insolvecy Regulation (recast): Reinhard Bork and Renato Mangano, European Cross-border Insolvency Law, and Gabriel Moss, Ian F. Fletcher and Stuart Isaacs (eds.), The EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings, 3rd. ed, both published by Oxford University Press 2016. See eucl_wessels_13-4.pdf