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2020-01-doc3 Consumer insolvency in Europe

For over three decades individual EU Member States have adopted specific insolvency regimes regarding natural persons, sometimes also termed ‘consumers’, ‘non-merchants’, ‘non-traders’ or ‘natural persons who are not entrepreneurs’, see Article 2(h) Restructuring Directive 2019/1023. In 1998, the Netherlands adopted as one of the last in the European Community (at that time) their debt rescheduling regime. In the second decade… Read More »2020-01-doc3 Consumer insolvency in Europe

2019-12-doc1 Compendium Financieel Recht

Het onlangs verschenen boek Compendium Financieel Recht beoogt een handleiding te zijn bij de eerste bestudering van het financiële toezichtsrecht. De redacteuren zijn alle drie hoogleraar Financieel recht, verbonden aan de Universiteit van Leiden. Dit compendium, waarvan de tekst in juli 2019 is afgesloten, is opgezet als eerste kennismaking. Het is geschreven voor studenten die dit vak volgen – dat… Read More »2019-12-doc1 Compendium Financieel Recht

2019-05-doc1 Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht 2019

Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht verscheen begin dit jaar, in een 11e druk, thans onder redactie van J.L.M. Groenewegen (CMS, Amsterdam) en F.M.J. Verstijlen (hoogleraar Groningen). Dit deel is één van de momenteel omstreeks dertig delen tellende reeks aan T&C’s, in allerlei kleuren en op nagenoeg alle vakgebieden, die op de bureau van de praktijkjurist niet meer zijn weg te denken.… Read More »2019-05-doc1 Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht 2019

2019-04-doc6 Restructurings and workouts

In less than a decade, the topic of restructuring and workout has risen to the top of the legislative agenda of many countries, in the EU and beyond. In the same period insolvency practice has gradually grown into its renewed role: understanding the diversity in creditors’ interests, to think (allow me) outside the narrow box of insolvency liquidation and get… Read More »2019-04-doc6 Restructurings and workouts

2019-04-doc5 Turnaround Management

A decade ago, none of us could have imagined just how much business and economic dimensions we would see in the restructuring and insolvency industry world of today. It may be bad news for the companies affected; however, we could not have imagined the creativity and dedication of schol­ars and practitioners in the field in presenting broader perspectives and leg­islation… Read More »2019-04-doc5 Turnaround Management

2019-04-doc2 pre-insolvency proceedings

The subject of a compulsory settlement outside of formal insolvency proceedings has been the focus of attention in Europe and several of its Member States, including the Netherlands, for quite some time. In the preface of his book ‘Pre-insolvency proceedings. A Normative foundation and Framework’ (OUP, 2019), the author, Nicolaes Tollenaar, signals this strong development in Europe with focusing on… Read More »2019-04-doc2 pre-insolvency proceedings

2019-04-doc1 Did you say money?

Money makes the world 90 ‘round, Liza Minnelli sang in the movie Cabaret in 1973. An even greater gift has come to financial lawyers, at least that’s what Simon Gleeson writes in the preface of his book The legal Concept of Money (OUP, 2018). Gleeson is a partner at Clifford Chance London, and the gift mentioned is the creation of… Read More »2019-04-doc1 Did you say money?

2019-02-doc8 Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law, 5th ed.

Since 1990, the most classic publication to understand English corporate insolvency law is the book of Roy Goode. In autumn of 2018 it has been published in its fifth edition, edited by Kristin van Zwieten. On the continent, she will be most known for the 2016 book with an extensive commentary on the EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast), edited together with… Read More »2019-02-doc8 Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law, 5th ed.

2019-01-doc1 The Future of Cross-border Insolvency

In her book The Future of Cross-Border Insolvency: Overcoming Biases and Closing Gaps, University of Nottingham’s professor of international commercial law Irit Mevorach explores theoretical and practical developments in the field of cross-border insolvency. She uses a wide scope including both commercial entities and financial institutions. She also employs a broad interdisciplinary perspective, including public international law, international (soft) law… Read More »2019-01-doc1 The Future of Cross-border Insolvency

2018-12-doc1 Compendium Beslag- en executierecht: een handboek

Onlangs verscheen het Compendium Beslag- en executierecht. Het is een zeer uitvoerige, bijna 1000 pagina’s tellende bundel, met 56 artikelen en een voorafgaande ‘Visie op rechtshandhaving’, geschreven door in totaal ongeveer 70 auteurs uit praktijk en wetenschap. De redacteuren van het Compendium Beslag- en executierecht, S.J.W. van der Putten, gerechtsdeurwaarder, en M.R van Zanten, advocaat, beide uit Amsterdam, vonden aanleiding… Read More »2018-12-doc1 Compendium Beslag- en executierecht: een handboek