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2017-05-doc4 Insolvency registers in the EU

Under the new Insolvency Regulation Member States will be required to publish relevant information on cross-border insolvency cases in a publicly accessible electronic register. The aim is to improve in the EU the provision of information to relevant creditors and courts, and to prevent the opening of parallel insolvency proceedings. Furthermore, in order to facilitate access to that information for… Read More »2017-05-doc4 Insolvency registers in the EU

2017-05-doc3 On lawyers’ inefficient teamwork

Many societies recognise concerns about the cost of access to justice. The Federal Court of Australia obviously gave a serious warning to lawyers for ‘… an inefficient and inappropriate way of dealing with the preparation for, and conduct of the hearing of, a case that, in effect, was to be, and should have been, substantively prepared and argued at all… Read More »2017-05-doc3 On lawyers’ inefficient teamwork

2017-04-doc8 Zesde druk boek Algemene voorwaarden verschenen

Het boek ‘Algemene voorwaarden’, dat vandaag verschijnt, is uitgegroeid tot het meest omvattende werk over algemene voorwaarden in Nederland. De eerste druk dateert van dertig jaar geleden (!); de huidige zesde druk is qua omvang meer dan vijf keer zo omvangrijk (ruim 900 pagina’s), maar dat komt natuurlijk ook omdat een tiental auteurs branche-specifieke bijdragen hebben geschreven, bijvoorbeeld over algemene… Read More »2017-04-doc8 Zesde druk boek Algemene voorwaarden verschenen

2017-04-doc7 Book announcement of Braun’s 7th ed.

Germany is one of Europe’s lager countries where restructuring and insolvency law has changed dramatically over the last decade. The book of Eberhard Braun, InsO – Insolvenzordung, 7th ed., C.H. Beck, 2017, 2060 pp. (ISBN 978-3-406-69675-6), known as ‘the Braun’, reflects these recent changes. It provides an article-by-article commentary on the German Insolvenzordnung, with in addition a commentary on the… Read More »2017-04-doc7 Book announcement of Braun’s 7th ed.

2017-04-doc1 EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency, 2nd. ed, 2017

Professor Matthias Haentjens (University of Leiden) writes the following re the book ‘EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency‘, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2017, authored and edited by Gabriel Moss QC, Bob Wessels and Matthias Haentjens: ‘With only little exaggeration, it might be contended that there has been no other area of law in which the developments over the last five… Read More »2017-04-doc1 EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency, 2nd. ed, 2017

2017-03-doc7 What’s a Pifor?

In November 2016 a proposal for a Restructuring Directive was published two weeks ago. Officially it has a much longer titel: ‘Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on preventive restructuring frameworks, second chance and measures to increase the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and discharge procedures and amending Directive 2012/30/EU’ (‘Restructuring Directive’). For a short… Read More »2017-03-doc7 What’s a Pifor?

2017-03-doc6 CERIL

The Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL) is an independent non-profit, non-partisan, self-supporting organisation of approximately 75 lawyers and other restructuring and insolvency practitioners, law professors and (insolvency) judges committed to the improvement of restructuring and insolvency laws and practices in the European Union and in its Member States and their operation. CERIL’s primary purpose is to advise,… Read More »2017-03-doc6 CERIL

2017-02-doc11 José María Cervelló Business Law Prize

The 11th José María Cervelló Business Law Prize aims to promote legal study and research, and to facilitate access to the LLM courses of IE Law School for people who do not have the necessary financial resources. The IE Law School (which used to be named Instituto de Empresa) and the law firm ONTIER recently announced this prize competion. The… Read More »2017-02-doc11 José María Cervelló Business Law Prize

2017-02-doc5 book review EuInsVO 2015

The book of Peter Mankowski, Michael Müller, Jessica Schmidt, EuInsVO 2015. Europäische Insolvenzverordnung 2015. Kommentar, München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2016, shortly reviewed by me and published in European Company Law Journal, February 2017. See:

2017-02-doc3 Policy Brief CPB – wat moet je ermee?

Een ‘Policy Brief’ met ‘vier stappen naar efficiënte insolventiewetgeving’ werd medio januari door het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) gepubliceerd, zie Op de omslag van het advies van deze belangrijke economische adviseur van regering en parlement staat de kern van het voorstel: verstevig positie management; beperk recht schuldeisers. Er zijn diverse redenen om kritisch naar de gepresenteerde opties ter verbetering van… Read More »2017-02-doc3 Policy Brief CPB – wat moet je ermee?