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Wessels Insolventierecht

2023-01-doc5 Ars Aequi teksteditie Insolventierecht 2023

Bij de studie van het insolventierecht is het handig alle relevante regelgeving bij elkaar te hebben. Relevant in het bijzonder, om naast typisch insolventierecht (vooral de Faillissementswet) ook andere regelgeving op het gebied van het insolventierecht onder handbereik te hebben. De ‘dikke’ wettenbundels van Wolters Kluwer en SDU missen details die een masterstudent nodig heeft. Die andere regelgeving is in… Read More »2023-01-doc5 Ars Aequi teksteditie Insolventierecht 2023

2023-01-doc4 Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, 13e druk, 2022

De trouwe compagnon van menig jurist werkzaam in het insolventierecht verscheen weer eind 2022: Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, in een 13e druk, wederom onder redactie van J.L.M. Groenewegen (CMS, Amsterdam) en F.M.J. Verstijlen (hoogleraar Groningen). De presentatie is bekend: wettekst geordend per wetsartikel, commentaar bij afzonderlijke onderdelen c.q. leden van het wetsartikel, bondige verwijzingen naar parlementaire geschiedenis en rechtspraak, soms… Read More »2023-01-doc4 Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, 13e druk, 2022

2023-01-doc3 American Law Institute 1923 – 2023

In 2023 the American Law Institute (ALI) will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Since decades, ALI is the leading independent organization in the US producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law. With its Restatements of the Law, Model Codes, and other soft law instruments, ALI is enormously influential in the US courts and its legal research and… Read More »2023-01-doc3 American Law Institute 1923 – 2023

2023-01-doc1 COMI and ascertainability by third parties

The English Court of Appeal’s decision in East-West Logistics v Melars Group (East-West Logistics Llp v Melars Group Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 1419 of 28 October 2022 draw my attention, especially by the concurring view of one of the judges, Lord Justice Lewison. Lord Justice Lewison is known to me from the famous Stanford International Bank case of 2009, which… Read More »2023-01-doc1 COMI and ascertainability by third parties

2022-12-doc3 Harmonisation of Corporate Insolvency Law in the EU: some background

In the second week of December 2022, the European Commission has put forward measures to further develop the EU’s Capital Markets Union (CMU). These measures concern three areas (a) to make EU clearing services more attractive and resilient, supporting the EU’s open strategic autonomy and preserving financial stability (b) to harmonise certain corporate insolvency rules across the EU, making them more efficient and… Read More »2022-12-doc3 Harmonisation of Corporate Insolvency Law in the EU: some background

2022-12-doc2 Nieuwe boek over Leasing

De oer-indeling van ‘leasing’ is die in financial lease (financiering van een object) en operational lease (gericht op het gebruik van een object). Door de decennia heen is de contract-vorm aanzienlijk verruimd, bijvoorbeeld door een combinatie met diensten, zoals service, onderhoud en verzekering. Ook de te leasen objecten zijn enorm gegroeid. Men kan het zo gek niet verzinnen of een… Read More »2022-12-doc2 Nieuwe boek over Leasing

2022-12-doc1 – Int’l jurisdiction under the EIR, ready for improvement

Prior to 2017, courts in EU Member States (including UK pre-Brexit) have been rather lax and inattentive to verify a debtor’s international jurisdiction, giving room for especially individuals to manipulate COMI. Consequently, such judgments led to overstretching the public policy exception to refuse recognition. Articles 4 and 5 of the EU Insolvency Regulation aim to resolve this with a careful… Read More »2022-12-doc1 – Int’l jurisdiction under the EIR, ready for improvement

2022-11-doc4 Towards a review of the Dutch IP profession

The EU (without Denmark) is an economic market, with 27 member states. All these states have their own national insolvency system. In this whole European region there are presently around 120 types of national insolvency proceeding, which is around 4.5 per member state. As examples: Belgium lists eight proceedings (in Dutch and in French), Estonia two, Ireland no less than… Read More »2022-11-doc4 Towards a review of the Dutch IP profession

2022-11-doc3 English Corporate Insolvency Law. A Primer.

The book ‘English Corporate Insolvency Law’ is, as its subtitle says, a primer. It offers an introduction and analysis guide and update readers with the recently significantly revised English corporate insolvency rules and procedures. Readers will not be disappointed as it gives a well-reasoned overview of the full system, including references to case law and literature. Contents of the book.… Read More »2022-11-doc3 English Corporate Insolvency Law. A Primer.