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2021-09-doc1 The purchaseprice in 1639 for Rembrandt’s house

One of the themes in my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money’. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland (see relates to the house he lived in since 1639 (with Saskia and with their son Titus since 1641). The building is in the neighbourhood of the Sint Antoniesluis, ie the Breestraat, presently the location of the… Read More »2021-09-doc1 The purchaseprice in 1639 for Rembrandt’s house

2021-08-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Hendrick and Saskia Uylenburgh

Last month, mid July, I announced my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money’. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland. See In that same month I explained what the book covers and what it does not, see Business relatonship with Hendrick Uylenburgh As indicated in another previous blog there have been reasons for Rembrandt… Read More »2021-08-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Hendrick and Saskia Uylenburgh

2021-08-doc2 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Early years

Last month, mid July 2021, I announced my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money’. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland. See In that same month I explained what the book covers and what it does not, see Here follows another peek at my work. Challenges. One of the challenges studying 17th century sources, legal… Read More »2021-08-doc2 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Early years

2021-07-doc10 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – wysiwyg (and opposite)

It pleases me greatly to have received several enthousiast reactions on my blog of two weeks ago, announcing the publication of my new book ‘Rembrandt’s Money’. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland, forthcoming in November 2021. See Let me now give you a peek on what the book covers and what it does not.… Read More »2021-07-doc10 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – wysiwyg (and opposite)

2021-07-doc6 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming)

The idea. Over three years ago I announced my intention to write about the legal and financial problems that the famous Dutch artist Rembrandt (1606-1669) encountered during his life. See Since the early 1980s I have written book, but this one promised to be very special, a legal-historic case study into a time so different than ours. Legal rules… Read More »2021-07-doc6 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming)

2020-11-doc1 Signing with an X mark

In the Dutch journal NRC Handelsblad of November 3, 2020, Ewout Sanders provides background of the phenomenon of singing with an X mark (‘Tekenen bij het kruisje’). He goes back to the 18th century to investigate the meaning of this Dutch expressing of make (or put) one’s mark. He would not be surprised if her history shows that the expression… Read More »2020-11-doc1 Signing with an X mark

2020-04-doc5 Do we know what a Rembrandt painting looks like?

It took some 150 years before, gradually, the 19th century experienced Rembrandt becoming the subject of more serious scholarship. Research began with the recording of anecdotes about his life, but increasingly a more factual approach on his work was adopted. As early as 1810 the first catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt’s etchings was published by William Esdaile. A first catalogue of… Read More »2020-04-doc5 Do we know what a Rembrandt painting looks like?

2019-12-doc2 Looking for Rembrandt on Dutch TV

Early this year I reported the transmission on English TV of the documentary ‘Looking for Rembrandt‘. It contains a programma, with three separate films of 60 minutes, see blog/2019-03-doc13-looking-for-rembrandt. The third programme contains some lines of an interview I gave (in September 2018) regarding Rembrandt’s financial troubles. Simply because it only came to my attention just a few days ago,… Read More »2019-12-doc2 Looking for Rembrandt on Dutch TV

2019-10-doc2 R.I.P. Rembrandt – 4 October 1669

All aspects of the life and work of Rembrandt (1606-1669) have been celebrated this year. At least twenty exhibitions have been organised in the Netherlands as well as in many other museums and galleries in the world. It was a golden year for new books and TV programmes, such as ‘Looking for Rembrandt’ (BBC 4, April 2019; blog/2019-03-doc13-looking-for-rembrandt) and September/October… Read More »2019-10-doc2 R.I.P. Rembrandt – 4 October 1669

2019-06-doc4 The Night Watch in the Dutch courts?

Yesterday, Thursday 27 June 2019, ‘Operation Night Watch’ kicked off in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum. The painting will undergo a major cleaning-up and restoration. It’s last restauration was over 40 years ago, following an attack on the painting with a knife in 1975. During the Rijksmuseum’s continued monitoring program, it has been discovered that parts the Night Watch have changed over… Read More »2019-06-doc4 The Night Watch in the Dutch courts?