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2025-03-doc2 Rembrandt’s insolvency estate: the etching press?

Last week I reported on LinkedIn that available documents from the 17th century showed that Rembrandt used three etching presses throughout his life. In response to a question from an English artist, I addressed the etching press that (may or may not) have been part of his bankrupt estate in 1656 (, and other podcast channels, titled “RM24017 – Where… Read More »2025-03-doc2 Rembrandt’s insolvency estate: the etching press?

2022-07-doc1 Rembrandt’s geboortedag

Morgen, vrijdag 15 juli, is het 416 jaar geleden dat Rembrandt werd geboren. Er zijn enkele bescheiden vieringen. Van 15 juli t/m 28 augustus organiseert Museum Het Rembrandthuis diverse activiteiten voor families en kinderen. Er is ook een verjaardagsviering in Leiden, in Museum De Lakenhal. Tot en met eind juli is hier het allerkleinste kunstwerk ter wereld te zien, gemaakt… Read More »2022-07-doc1 Rembrandt’s geboortedag

2022-06-doc3 Dordrecht – 450 jaar na Eerste Statenvergadering

[See for English below] In Dordrecht, waar ik woon en werkt, wordt dit jaar 450 jaar Geboorte van Nederland gevierd. Dordrecht stond aan de wieg van wat nu Nederland is. Het startschot werd gegeven met de Eerste Vrije Statenvergadering. Deze werd van 19 tot 23 juli 1572 gehouden in het Hof. Deze locatie is onlangs vernieuwd en heropend. Tijdens deze… Read More »2022-06-doc3 Dordrecht – 450 jaar na Eerste Statenvergadering

2021-11-doc2 Was Rembrandt involved in cross-border insolvency issues?

Rembrandt (1606-1669) is seen as one of the greatest Dutch Golden Age painters. Was Rembrandt involved in cross-border insolvency matters? Research shows there are traces of commissions coming from outside Holland and indeed, financial distress surrounded him in the first half of the 1650s. In 1656 he went ‘bankrupt’, that is to say, Rembrandt voluntarily (no creditors chasing him) requested… Read More »2021-11-doc2 Was Rembrandt involved in cross-border insolvency issues?

2021-11-doc1 Rembrandt’s Money book – out now!

Lidewij de Koekkoek, director of The Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam, received on 15 November 2021 the first copy of my book ‘Rembrandt’s Money. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepeneur in 17th century Holland’. Via my blog readers have travelled along with my journey with over twenty blogs the last three years ( and I am pleased the… Read More »2021-11-doc1 Rembrandt’s Money book – out now!

2021-10-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (nearly there) – Arbitration in his day?

Since July, every fortnight, I published dribs and drabs from my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money’. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland. See In that same month I explained what the book covers and what it does not, see Now a short piece on trade law and arbitration. Trade law One of the… Read More »2021-10-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (nearly there) – Arbitration in his day?

2021-10-doc2 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Rembrandt’s ‘bankruptcy’

The eye of the financial storm around Rembrandt concerns his ‘bankruptcy’, another episode covered in my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland’ (see and subsequent blogs since). In July 1656, Rembrandt requested a court to grant him ‘cessio bonorum’. The historic roots and the 17th century meaning of cessio… Read More »2021-10-doc2 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Rembrandt’s ‘bankruptcy’

2021-10-doc1 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – 4 October, a day to remember

For Rembrandt addicts, 4 October is a prominent date. In the Register of Deaths of the Westerkerk it is recorded: ‘On 4 October 1669 [my] cousin, Rembrant van Rhijn, painter died (‘den 4 8b[er] is overleeden neeff Rembrant van Rhijn schilder’). The date of his passing away is given in a note by a relative of Rembrandt, Nicolaes Sebastiaensz Vinck.… Read More »2021-10-doc1 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – 4 October, a day to remember

2021-09-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Titus and the Orphans Chamber

Yet, another theme in my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland’ (see relates to Saskia Uylenburgh, Rembrandt’s wife. Last month I provided a sketch of the question which law applied to the marriage of Rembrandt and Saskia Uylenburgh? The laws of Friesland or those of Holland? Rembrandt noted in… Read More »2021-09-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (forthcoming) – Titus and the Orphans Chamber