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2016-10-doc12 Should the EU Adopt UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency?

During the period of discussing and revising what finally resulted in the European Insolvency Regulation (recast), which will be effective law as of June 2017, I had a conversation about the topic whether the European Union itself should adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency. INSOL Europe had suggested it in 2012, and as we all know, the proposal… Read More »2016-10-doc12 Should the EU Adopt UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency?

2016-10-doc8 Judicial Insolvency Network Initiated by Supreme Court of Singapore

Last week, in Singapore, 11 insolvency judges from 8 jurisductions met in Singapore for the inaugural Judicial Insolvency Network (‘JIN’). JIN, as a network of insolvency judges from around the world, aims to encourage communication and cooperation amongst national courts by pulling together the best practices in cross-border restructuring and insolvency to facilitate cross-court communication and cooperation, which has become… Read More »2016-10-doc8 Judicial Insolvency Network Initiated by Supreme Court of Singapore

2016-10-doc3 Three paradigm shifts in recent bank insolvency law

Three Paradigm Shifts in Recent Bank Insolvency Law is the title of my latest article, with Matthias Haentjens as co-author. It will be published in (2016) 31 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, pp. 396-400. See its proof-print as attachment. haentjens_wessels_2016_jiblr_issue_7_press_proof.pdf We identify three paradigm shifts underlying recent developments in bank insolvency law. The ‘new normal’ of bank insolvency… Read More »2016-10-doc3 Three paradigm shifts in recent bank insolvency law

2016-10-doc1 COMI of Cloudiax

Although one would expect that under the EU Insolvency Regulation (EIR) after some fifteen years the concept of center of main interest (COMI) would be rather be clear, time and again a COMI controversy pops up. In a Dutch case, decided by the Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden 15 August 2016, ECLI:NL:GHARL:2016:6546, this Court and the District Court of Gelderland (location… Read More »2016-10-doc1 COMI of Cloudiax

2016-09-doc12 Towards China’s Inter-regional Cross-border Insolvency Arrangement (CICIA)

A doctorat for Xinyi Gong, that was the result after the defense of her PhD ‘A Balanced Way for China’s Inter-Regional Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation’. This all took place at the University of Leiden, last Tuesday. I acted as her supervisor (promotor). Earlier on this blog (2016-09-doc8) I explained that her research analyses the rather peculiar situation that the People’s Republic… Read More »2016-09-doc12 Towards China’s Inter-regional Cross-border Insolvency Arrangement (CICIA)

2016-10-doc7 Book reviews EIR Recast

Recently published in European Company Law (no. 4, 2016) my review of two recent books on the EU Insolvecy Regulation (recast): Reinhard Bork and Renato Mangano, European Cross-border Insolvency Law, and Gabriel Moss, Ian F. Fletcher and Stuart Isaacs (eds.), The EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings, 3rd. ed, both published by Oxford University Press 2016. See eucl_wessels_13-4.pdf

2016-08-doc8 Cross-border cooperation between insolvency practitioners and courts

We Can Work It Out: Cross-border Judicial Cooperation in Insolvency Cases in the EU, is the title of a paper, which will be published in: Yves Brulard (ed.), Code de l’insolvabilité internationale, européenne et nationale. Tome 1, Bruxelles: Anthemis 2016 (forthcoming). The paper was delivered in February 2015 during an international insolvency conference in Brussels. It deals with the draft… Read More »2016-08-doc8 Cross-border cooperation between insolvency practitioners and courts

2016-08-doc2 Full text CoCo Guidelines

During the INSOL International Global Practice course (first module 7-9 November 2916, London) I will discuss the theme of cross-border communication and cooperation in insolvency cases. As an aid in practice, in 2007 the European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines For Cross-Border Insolvency (‘CoCo Guidelines’) were drafted by prof. Miguel Virgós (Madrid) and myself, assisted by many others, including judges and… Read More »2016-08-doc2 Full text CoCo Guidelines

2016-07-doc9 What language to use in EU insolvency cross-border cases?

Welcome to the European Union: 28 Member States, using over 20 authentic languages! When one comes to the use of language in cross-border insolvency cases in Europe, there is a large contrast between the languages that national courts are using, and the languages in which communication takes places between insolvency practitioners. Article 31 of the existing European Insolvency Regulation (EIR)… Read More »2016-07-doc9 What language to use in EU insolvency cross-border cases?

2016-06-doc7 English in the EU

The European Union Commission has announced that an agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for communications within the EU, rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the final negotiations however, Her Majesty’s Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased plan for what… Read More »2016-06-doc7 English in the EU