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2023-11-doc1 Sovereign Wealth Fund shares – Immune from execution?

Under international law, a presumption of immunity applies to goods of a foreign state, which makes them untouchable by seizure. This rule has an exception in the event it has been established that the goods in question are being used by the foreign state, or are intended to be used, for purposes other than public ones. It is up to… Read More »2023-11-doc1 Sovereign Wealth Fund shares – Immune from execution?

2023-10-doc1 Who it the “foreign representative” under the Model Law (MLCBI)?

On 29 August, Global Restructuring Review (GRR) reported that the Zeeland-West-Brabant District Court in the Netherlands had given its reasons for granting a “worldwide stay” (“Dutch court issues reasons for unprecedented Ch11-style stay”). To avoid confusion, what the Dutch court granted is a stay in the meaning of the local legislation of the WHOA (“afkoelingsperiode”). It is not an “automatic… Read More »2023-10-doc1 Who it the “foreign representative” under the Model Law (MLCBI)?

2023-09-doc1 Can digitaldata be the subject of property rights?

A recent case in April 2023 before the Netherlands Commercial Court attracted attention from lawyers all over the globe. The topic in simple words: can digital data be owned? Can it be the subject of property rights and, if so, can it be transferred to another party or be the subject of a security right? From the outset it should… Read More »2023-09-doc1 Can digitaldata be the subject of property rights?

2023-08-doc2 Lost and Found: Database of insolvency protocols

Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups is the title of a book that I have written together with my Leiden colleague Ilya Kokorin. In May 2021 it has been published by Edward Elgar Publishing in the series Elgar Corporate and Insolvency Law and Practice. Cross-border insolvency protocols were an intriguing new development in the early days in my… Read More »2023-08-doc2 Lost and Found: Database of insolvency protocols

2023-08-doc1 Should parties have the right to appeal a restructuring plan?

Article 369(10) of the Dutch Bankruptcy Act (DBA) stipulates that there is no legal remedy against decisions of the court within the framework of the WHOA scheme. Is this rule in accordance with Article 16 of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive 2019/1023 regarding appeals? In the Netherlands, in principle, no appeal or appeal in cassation is possible against a court… Read More »2023-08-doc1 Should parties have the right to appeal a restructuring plan?

2023-07-doc3 Advanced Introduction to Cross-border Insolvency Law

Professor Bork (University of Hamburg) is one of the most active authors in Europe about all aspects of international insolvency law, be it European, comparative or international, both practical as well as theoretical. In his new book Advanced introduction to Cross-Border Insolvency Law, he introduces the applicable codification, under which term he includes transnational law, non-binding recommendations (soft law, although… Read More »2023-07-doc3 Advanced Introduction to Cross-border Insolvency Law

2023-07-doc2 VanMoof – En de klanten dan?

In het FD van vanochtend, 14 juli 2023, gaat het natuurlijk ook over de surseance van fietsenfabrikant VanMoof. De klanten? Een woordvoerder van de Consumentenbond laat de bekende riedel aantekenen: “Helaas staan consumenten vaak achteraan in de rij. Eerst krijgen de bank en de belastingdienst hun geld terug en daarna eventueel de klanten.” De Europese think tank Conference on European… Read More »2023-07-doc2 VanMoof – En de klanten dan?

2023-07-doc1 Cross Border Restructuring & Insolvency 2012-2022

The book with this title, shortly introduced here, is a remarkable contribution to the understanding of large cross-border restructuring and insolvency cases. No doubt it will be a valuable tool for experts in this area, not only for the topics covered as well as for the colleagues of the authors delivering it. Its background lies in the International Insolvency Institute… Read More »2023-07-doc1 Cross Border Restructuring & Insolvency 2012-2022

2023-06-doc4 Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht, editie 2023

Het Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht behoort met Wolters Kluwer’s Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht tot het praktijkgereedschap van ieder die zich met het insolventierecht bezighoudt. De tekst van de nieuwste editie van Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht is op 1 januari 2023 afgesloten. T&C Commentaar Insolventierecht kent als redactionele afsluitdatum september 2022. Ik besprak de laatste editie begin dit jaar, zie Opbouw boek.… Read More »2023-06-doc4 Sdu Commentaar Insolventierecht, editie 2023

2023-06-doc3 Spanish banks beware of insolvent Dutch nationals with holiday homes!

Intro. A recent Dutch court case provides a Spanish bank (with a secured claim) an expensive lesson when dealing with the bankrupt Dutch owners of a Spanish holiday home. The bank collaborated in the sale and transfer of title of the holiday home in Spain owned by the two Dutch nationals, without permission from their IP appointed in the insolvency… Read More »2023-06-doc3 Spanish banks beware of insolvent Dutch nationals with holiday homes!