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2018-09-doc3 The ‘bankruptcy’ of Rembrandt – interview BBC

In Autumn 2017, I started my research into the financial distress of Dutch Golden Age painter Rembrandt. More specifically I am interested in the cessio bonorum proceedings, which started in 1656. See blog/2017-11-05-rembrandt. The BBC intends to broadcast a 3 times 60 minutes programme and it was with great pleasure that I was interviewed yesterday by Tim Niel and his… Read More »2018-09-doc3 The ‘bankruptcy’ of Rembrandt – interview BBC

2018-09-doc1 Herstructureringsopties – interview

Vandaag, 4 september 2018, publiceert SDU een themakrant van SC (Staatscourant) Online over faillissementsrecht. Zie In een interview kom ik aan het woord over pre-pack en WHOA. De concepttekst van dat interview, geschreven door Nicolette van den Hout, volgt hieronder. Meer mogelijkheden om een bedrijf te redden Als er een faillissement voor een bedrijf dreigt, zijn er ruwweg vier… Read More »2018-09-doc1 Herstructureringsopties – interview

2018-06-doc8 Applying EU Insolvency Regualtion in Practice

During 2016 and 2017 researchers of universities or research-institutes of Genoa, Sofia, Prague, Mainz, Riga, Valencia, Amsterdam and Glasgow have developed best practices in cross border cases for the survival of distressed companies. The project was co-funded by the Action grants programme to support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters of the European Commission. Aligning with a practical comparative… Read More »2018-06-doc8 Applying EU Insolvency Regualtion in Practice

2018-06-doc7 Book on Transaction avoidance in insolvency

The book shortly announced here was published for the first time in 2002. The second edition appeared in 2011, and now, 7 years later, the third edition is published: Transaction Avoidance in Insolvencies, mainly authored by Rebecca Parry, James Ayliffe QC, and Sharif Shivji, published by Oxford University Press (ISBN 978 0 19 879340 3). Significant developments have found their… Read More »2018-06-doc7 Book on Transaction avoidance in insolvency

2018-06-doc5 American Bankruptcy Institute publishes book on EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast)

In July 2018 the fourth edition will be published by the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) of the book European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis. The first edition dates from 2003, the third from 2010. The new edition I have written with my Leiden colleague Ilya Kokorin, lecuturer company and insolvency law. The book describes the key points… Read More »2018-06-doc5 American Bankruptcy Institute publishes book on EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast)

2018-06-doc4 Privacy protection in Asia and the EU

The Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI), which started in 2016, is an institute based in Singapore. It initiates, conducts and facilitates research and produces authoritative texts with a view to providing practical guidance in the field of Asian legal development and promoting the convergence of Asian business laws. Since last year I am involved in their work related to restructuring… Read More »2018-06-doc4 Privacy protection in Asia and the EU

2018-05-doc3 Start bewerking serie Wessels Insolventierecht

Enige tijd geleden ben ik gestart met de bewerking en actualisering van alle tien delen in de serie Wessels Insolventierecht. Dat wordt dan de 5e druk van de serie. Deo volente, hoop ik deze tussen 2018 en 2022 te voltooien. Na bijna 20 jaar was het tijd om enkele bescheiden wijzigingen door te voeren. Ik noem kort: versterking privaatrechtelijke inbedding,… Read More »2018-05-doc3 Start bewerking serie Wessels Insolventierecht

2018-05-doc2 Two lectures for IEEI in Athens

For IEEI in Athens last week, I gave 2 presentations. One on Business rescue in Europe and a short overview of the legislative developments re the Recalibration of Dutch Bankruptcy Act. See some notes below. Introduction The Dutch Bankruptcy Act dates from 1896. It contains 3 proceedings: bankruptcy liquidation (faillissement), suspension of payments (surseance van betaling) and, since 1998, debt… Read More »2018-05-doc2 Two lectures for IEEI in Athens

2018-04-doc3 Harmonising security rights in the EU?

The EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast) (848/2015) applies since June 2016 to 26 member states (all, except Denmark). In these states more than 100 different collective insolvency proceedings can be used, by natural persons or by companies. Some countries only provide for one such insolvency proceeding (Bulgaria, Croatia), in other countries two proceedings can be opened (Estonia) or three (The Netherlands,… Read More »2018-04-doc3 Harmonising security rights in the EU?