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2019-08-doc4 Netherlands puts ‘international insolvencies’ back on legislative agenda

On 27 August 2019, the Dutch Minister for Legal Protection (‘Rechtsbescherming’) did send his 11th letter on progress concerning several acts for the overall recast of the Dutch Bankprty Act to Dutch Parliament. On the 5th and last page it introduces the subject ‘International insolvencies’. The following is provided, I quote: ‘An insolvency adjudicated outside the European Union is in… Read More »2019-08-doc4 Netherlands puts ‘international insolvencies’ back on legislative agenda

2019-08-doc3 Insolvency practitioners and ethics

In June 2019, INSOL International released its ‘Ethical Principles for Insolvency Professionals’. Ethics is about the values that should be lived and worked by and respected by all insolvency professionals while interacting with creditors, judges, consumers of the debtor, its board or shareholders. Ethics is nothing scary, a threatening term for being wary for all types of misconduct and liabilities.… Read More »2019-08-doc3 Insolvency practitioners and ethics

2019-08-doc2a Scheme of arrangement – who is the foreign representative (+ text)

In the matter of Syncreon Group B.V. (and ors) the English High Court on 31 July 2019 ([2019] EWHC 2068 (Ch)) (see my blog of yesterday at blog/2019-08-doc1-scheme-of-arrangement-does-english-court-has-jurisdiction-re-dutch-b.v) a final matter for Falk J to decide relates to the question who will act as the foreign representative. The parties requested the judge to include in the order to be given… Read More »2019-08-doc2a Scheme of arrangement – who is the foreign representative (+ text)

2019-08-doc1 Scheme of arrangement – Does English court has jurisdiction re Dutch B.V.?

In the matter of Syncreon Group B.V. (and ors) the English High Court on 31 July 2019 ([2019] EWHC 2068 (Ch)) presented its written reasons for granting an application by Syncreon Group to convene meetings of certain classes of creditors for the purpose of considering a scheme of arrangement. Syncreon Group is a private limited company incorporated under the laws… Read More »2019-08-doc1 Scheme of arrangement – Does English court has jurisdiction re Dutch B.V.?

2019-07-doc1 Insolvency – Legislative developments in the Netherlands

Legislative developments in the Netherlands The Dutch Bankruptcy Act (DBA) first entered into force in 1896. Over the first 100 years amendments were made over the years, the rules governing bankruptcy liquidation fundamentally remained the same. In 1998 special rules to deal with debt restructuring of natural persons have been included. Early 2000, eight years after the entry into force… Read More »2019-07-doc1 Insolvency – Legislative developments in the Netherlands

2019-06-doc4 The Night Watch in the Dutch courts?

Yesterday, Thursday 27 June 2019, ‘Operation Night Watch’ kicked off in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum. The painting will undergo a major cleaning-up and restoration. It’s last restauration was over 40 years ago, following an attack on the painting with a knife in 1975. During the Rijksmuseum’s continued monitoring program, it has been discovered that parts the Night Watch have changed over… Read More »2019-06-doc4 The Night Watch in the Dutch courts?

2019-06-doc3 Nieuwe druk Wessels Insolventierecht III (5e druk, 2019)

Nearly 500 pages for the most recent edition of my book Wessels Insolventierecht III 2019! Insolventierecht (Insolvency law) is a 10-volume Dutch series, which I started 20 years ago, in 1999. Presently, all the books cover over 3500 pages, analysing and commenting all typical insolvency queries Dutch courts and literature are dealing with. Last year I made a begin with… Read More »2019-06-doc3 Nieuwe druk Wessels Insolventierecht III (5e druk, 2019)

2019-06-doc2 Rembrandt studied in Leiden in 1620. But also in 1622?

‘I doubt you will find any new document on Rembrandt, as all written documents, all notarial deeds, all registrations, all shreds of evidence on any aspct of his life is known and docemented’, an American art historian and Rembrandt specialist told me a year and a half ago. In science you never can predict: this week (on 4 June 2019)… Read More »2019-06-doc2 Rembrandt studied in Leiden in 1620. But also in 1622?

2019-06-doc1 Soft law instrumentst in insolvency/restructuring law

Soft law instruments are increasingly prevalent in the area of procedural and substantive restructuring and insolvency law. These instruments, all embodied in legally non-binding texts, originate from so-called standard-setting organisations, such as the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group V (Insolvency) and the World Bank, as well as mainly insolvency practitioners’ organisations, such as INSOL International… Read More »2019-06-doc1 Soft law instrumentst in insolvency/restructuring law

2019-05-doc4 Singapore Zetta Jet case: COMI as an elastic ball

In this contribution, Leiden PhD researcher Ilya Kokorin and I, seek to revisit the Zetta Jet case, as was decided on 4 March 2019 by the High Court of Singapore (Justice Aedit Abdullah) (Re: Zetta Jet Ptd and others (Asia Aviation Holding Pte Ltd, intervener) [2019] SGHC 53 (Zetta Jet)). We highlight what we see as its major significance, namely… Read More »2019-05-doc4 Singapore Zetta Jet case: COMI as an elastic ball