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2016-08-doc8 Cross-border cooperation between insolvency practitioners and courts


We Can Work It Out: Cross-border Judicial Cooperation in Insolvency Cases in the EU, is the title of a paper, which will be published in: Yves Brulard (ed.), Code de l’insolvabilité internationale, européenne et nationale. Tome 1, Bruxelles: Anthemis 2016 (forthcoming).

The paper was delivered in February 2015 during an international insolvency conference in Brussels. It deals with the draft version of the rules on mandatory cross-border communication and cooperation in insolvency cases by insolvency practitioners and courts. There rules are now contained in Articles 41-44 European Insolvency Regulation (EIR) Recast. I also shed light on guidelines and tools available in an aim to establish efficient and effective cross-border cooperation once the EIR Recast will apply (as of 26 June 2017).

The article attached if a first proof: cross-border-judicial-cooperation-wessels.pdf