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2019-06-doc2 Rembrandt studied in Leiden in 1620. But also in 1622?

‘I doubt you will find any new document on Rembrandt, as all written documents, all notarial deeds, all registrations, all shreds of evidence on any aspct of his life is known and docemented’, an American art historian and Rembrandt specialist told me a year and a half ago. In science you never can predict: this week (on 4 June 2019)… Read More »2019-06-doc2 Rembrandt studied in Leiden in 1620. But also in 1622?

2019-05-doc3 Rembrandt (1606-1669) en het civiele recht

Op 24 mei 2019 vindt in Leiden het congres van Suum Cuique plaats, met het thema ‘Kunst en Recht’. Suum Cuique is de mastervereniging voor Civiel Recht van de Universiteit Leiden. Programma: 12.45 Inloop 13.00 Welkom door dagvoorzitter, professor Egbert Koops 13.30 – 14.15 mr. Paul Russell (Russell Advocaten) – aspecten van de kunst & recht praktijk 14:15 – 15:00… Read More »2019-05-doc3 Rembrandt (1606-1669) en het civiele recht

2019-03-doc13 Looking for Rembrandt

In September last year I reported about my research into the bankruptcy (cessio bonorum) of Rembrandt. In the Netherlands, Rembrandt is hot as this year it is 350 years that he passed away. Also abroad there is interest and I was interviewed last year for a BBC programme. See blog/2018-09-doc3-the-bankruptcy-of-rembrandt-interview-bbc. Rembrandt (1606-1669) lived from 1606 till around 1631 in Leiden… Read More »2019-03-doc13 Looking for Rembrandt

2018-12-doc3 Lezing: het failllissement van Rembrandt

Zie uit naar het verzorgen van de Dieslezing voor het Dispuut voor Romeins recht en Europese rechtsgeschiedenis Philips van Leyden b.p., verbonden aan de Leiden Law School. Datum: woensdag 12 december 2018. Onderwerp: het faillissement van Rembrandt. Bijeenkomst: KOG, Steenschuur 25, Leiden. Programma: Borrel: 17.30u (B025); Lezing: 18.30u (B035). Organisatie via Maarten Klink, Praeses van Philips van Leyden b.p. Info… Read More »2018-12-doc3 Lezing: het failllissement van Rembrandt

2018-09-doc3 The ‘bankruptcy’ of Rembrandt – interview BBC

In Autumn 2017, I started my research into the financial distress of Dutch Golden Age painter Rembrandt. More specifically I am interested in the cessio bonorum proceedings, which started in 1656. See blog/2017-11-05-rembrandt. The BBC intends to broadcast a 3 times 60 minutes programme and it was with great pleasure that I was interviewed yesterday by Tim Niel and his… Read More »2018-09-doc3 The ‘bankruptcy’ of Rembrandt – interview BBC


After having published two books in my series Insolvency Law (Wessels Insolventierecht) and a large report for the European Law Institute on Business rescue in insolvency law (with my German colleague Stephan Madaus) this year, I head to something (not completely) different, the well-known Dutch painter Rembrandt (or: Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)). Rembrandt? Evidently, his paintings and etchings are admired… Read More »2017-11-doc5-Rembrandt