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2017-10-doc6 Polak-Pannevis, Insolventierecht, 14e druk, 2017

De laatste 20 jaar verscheen van het boek Polak/Pannevis, Insolventierecht, om de 3 jaar een nieuwe druk. In september 2017 verscheen de 14e druk van het boek dat tot 2011 de titel ‘Faillissementsrecht’ had. Voorwaar een prestatie van formaat. De titel van het boek is wel, maar de opzet is niet gewijzigd. Dus wordt de gehele stof aan de hand… Read More »2017-10-doc6 Polak-Pannevis, Insolventierecht, 14e druk, 2017

2017-10-doc3 Chancery Guide amended

In May this year (see I reported that Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court of England and Wales, had approved the adoption of the JIN Guidelines, as part of the court’s Chancery Guide. The Guidelines of the Judicial Insolvency Network (JIN) aim to encourage communication and cooperation amongst national courts by pulling together the best practices in… Read More »2017-10-doc3 Chancery Guide amended

2017-10-doc1 Book Bork on Cross Border Insolvency Law

The core thesis of this book, shortly reviewed here, is that cross-border insolvency rules of all kinds are founded on, and can be traced back to, basic values and that they aim to pursue and enforce such values. The book Principles of Cross-border Insolvency Law is written by professor Reinhard Bork, a very productive scholar of the University of Hamburg.… Read More »2017-10-doc1 Book Bork on Cross Border Insolvency Law

2017-09-doc10 Launch of Asian Principles of Restructuring Project

Established in 2016, the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) is an Institute based in Singapore. ABLI initiates, conducts and facilitates research and produces authoritative texts with a view to providing practical guidance in the field of Asian legal development and promoting the convergence of Asian business laws. In August 2017, ABLI in close cooperation with the International Insolvency Institute (III,… Read More »2017-09-doc10 Launch of Asian Principles of Restructuring Project

2017-09-doc9 2016 book of Look Chan Ho

With the date of this publication cited as at Buddha’s Birthday 2016, in the book ‘Cross-Border Insolvency: Principles and Practice’ (Sweet & Maxwell, 2016, xlv + 351 pages), its author Look Chan Ho, discusses English cross-border insolvency law. The author is dissatisfied that this area of law lacks a solid taxonomic order and that practices relies too much on improvisation.… Read More »2017-09-doc9 2016 book of Look Chan Ho

2017-09-doc8 Rechtsmacht rechter in faillissementszaken

De algemene benadering in zaken van burgerlijk procesrecht voor woonplaatskwesties, waarmee wordt aangesloten bij het woonplaatsbegrip in het personen- en familierecht dient ook voor het insolventieprocesrecht te gelden. Dat is de eerste van de vier conclusies die ik trek uit een korte analyse van de regeling van de rechtsmacht van de rechter in faillissementszaken. Faillietverklaring geschiedt door de rechtbank van… Read More »2017-09-doc8 Rechtsmacht rechter in faillissementszaken

2017-09-doc5 On Annex A of the Insolvency Regulation

Interview published in Global Restructuring Review ( published on its blog on 24 August 2017 on the theme: Who’s in charge of Annex A? GRR editor Kyriaki Karadelis: Just a few weeks after the entry into force of the recast European Insolvency Regulation, the European Commission is inviting comments on a legislative proposal to change its Annex A – a… Read More »2017-09-doc5 On Annex A of the Insolvency Regulation

2017-09-doc4 Wessels International Insolvency Law Part II European Insolvency Law

Wessels International Insolvency Law aims to be a first port of call on any question on international insolvency law for specialists (such as practitioners, judges and scholars), but also for those who are rather new to the subject, including legislators and students. The present book is International Insolvency Law: Part II European Insolvency Law, and was published by Wolters Kluwer,… Read More »2017-09-doc4 Wessels International Insolvency Law Part II European Insolvency Law

2017-09-doc3 ELI Business Rescue Report published

In the first week of September 2017, during the General Assembly and Annual Conference of the European Law Institute (ELI) the report ‘Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law’, written by prof. em. Bob Wessels (Leiden, Netherlands) and prof. Stephan Madaus (Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) was approved as an official ELI Instrument. The Report consists of 115 recommendations explained on more than 375… Read More »2017-09-doc3 ELI Business Rescue Report published

2017-09-doc1 ALI-III Global Principles and Guidelines 2012

With pleassure I report the re-posting of the ALI-III Global Principles and Guidelines 2012, reinforcing the importance of court-to-court cross-border cooperation in insolvency cases. In August 2017, the International Insolvency Instititute (III) re-posted the ALI-III Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases 2012. The publication contains: 37 Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases, and 18 Global Guidelines… Read More »2017-09-doc1 ALI-III Global Principles and Guidelines 2012