2021-10-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (nearly there) – Arbitration in his day?
Since July, every fortnight, I published dribs and drabs from my forthcoming book ‘Rembrandt’s Money’. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland. See https://bobwessels.nl/blog/2021-07-doc6-rembrandts-money-forthcoming/. In that same month I explained what the book covers and what it does not, see https://bobwessels.nl/blog/2021-07-doc10-rembrandts-money-forthcoming-wysiwyg-and-opposite/. Now a short piece on trade law and arbitration. Trade law One of the… Read More »2021-10-doc3 Rembrandt’s Money (nearly there) – Arbitration in his day?