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2023-06-doc2 In EU cross-border insolvency: check the right registers before filing

Last year, a pension fund in the Netherlands (“Stichting Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek”) petitioned the Dutch court of Gelderland to open insolvency proceedings for HeatWeed Technologies, a company incorporated under Swedish law with its registered office in Ströstad, Sweden. On 1 November, the court opened the insolvency proceedings – but 14 days later, it annulled its judgment after hearing opposition… Read More »2023-06-doc2 In EU cross-border insolvency: check the right registers before filing

2023-film06 Connection Wessels Insolvency Law to practice

From the eight films made, this is number 6 (six) in the episode of the Dutch bookseries ‘Wessels Insolvency Law’. I continue to be interviewed by Gert-Jan Boon, Leiden University, about the following topics: what are the reactions to the series, how does the series tie in with judgements of first instance courts, why did I put draft texts (inviting… Read More »2023-film06 Connection Wessels Insolvency Law to practice

2023-film04 International Insolvency Law

  Film number 4 (from eight). These short films relate to my writing for over twenty years of the 10 Volume Dutch series ‘Wessels Insolvency Law’. Again I speak with Gert-Jan Boon, Leiden University, about the following topics: New insights during the rewriting of the series ‘Wessels Insolvency Law’, International developments, the Toronto meeting in 1995, the importance of a… Read More »2023-film04 International Insolvency Law

2023-film03 Developments in Dutch Insolvency Law

  In this third out of eight short films about the Dutch series ‘Wessels Insolvency Law’, I am again speaking with Gert-Jan Boon, Leiden University. We discuss: Towards less formalism, experiences as a partner at Ernst & Young (EY), the importance of a more pragmatic approach, law as a tool to work with, the new insights of: ‘rescue required’, legislation… Read More »2023-film03 Developments in Dutch Insolvency Law

2023-film02 Genesis of Dutch insolvency law

Second of eight short films about the Dutch series ‘Wessels Insolvency Law’. In this second film, Bob Wessels speaks with Gert-Jan Boon about the following topics: New insights: from bankruptcy law to insolvency law, changes in property law and securities law, importance of courts of first instance, the important role of insolvency practitioners, district courts and their procedural rules, the… Read More »2023-film02 Genesis of Dutch insolvency law

2023-05-doc1 Observing the WHOA observer

On 6 April 2023, Steinhoff International Holdings NV (SIHNV) announced that the Amsterdam District Court had appointed both Frédéric Verhoeven, a partner at Houthoff, and Willem Meijer, founder of Mediation Kamer Amsterdam, as observers (“observator”) in connection with its draft restructuring plan. Steinhoff’s plan is covered by the Dutch Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord or Act on the confirmation of a… Read More »2023-05-doc1 Observing the WHOA observer

2023-03-doc1 Independent territorial insolvency proceedings

Opening independent territorial insolvency proceedings prior to any main insolvency proceedings is the second part of highlighting independent territorial insolvency proceedings under the EU Insolvency Regulation (recast) (EIR 2015). The first part was published in May 2022 and related to the rather exceptional case where territorial insolvency proceedings were opened prior to the opening of main insolvency proceedings (Article 3(4)… Read More »2023-03-doc1 Independent territorial insolvency proceedings

2023-02-doc1 Russia sanctions impacting insolvencies

I wil discuss how Russia sanctions have permeated a Dutch insolvency and I will make a case for a pan-European approach towards the impact of public law measures on insolvency law. ATB case. The case at hand concerns Amsterdam Trade Bank NV (ATB), which operates out of the Netherlands and has 23,000 private account holders. The bank has Russian connections… Read More »2023-02-doc1 Russia sanctions impacting insolvencies

2023-01-doc3 American Law Institute 1923 – 2023

In 2023 the American Law Institute (ALI) will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Since decades, ALI is the leading independent organization in the US producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law. With its Restatements of the Law, Model Codes, and other soft law instruments, ALI is enormously influential in the US courts and its legal research and… Read More »2023-01-doc3 American Law Institute 1923 – 2023