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2020-01-doc5 Finding your way to the Insolvency Law Collection

A few years after my retirement from the Leiden University in 2014, I donated the larger part of my books, reports and other data on international insolvency law to a Dutch legal foundation carrying my name (‘Stichting Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection’, BWILC). The statutory object of the foundation is to promote the interest and knowledge of international and comparative… Read More »2020-01-doc5 Finding your way to the Insolvency Law Collection

2020-01-doc4 Relative priority rule explained

Professor Stephan Madaus, my colleague from the German University of Halle Wittenberg, recently posted, what he calls ‘A Simple Guide to the Relative Priority Rule’. With a more detailed version to be published, he points at the Directive (EU) 2019/1023 on Restructuring and Insolvency, which provides for a new rule to assess the fairness of the distribution of value under… Read More »2020-01-doc4 Relative priority rule explained

2020-01-doc3 Consumer insolvency in Europe

For over three decades individual EU Member States have adopted specific insolvency regimes regarding natural persons, sometimes also termed ‘consumers’, ‘non-merchants’, ‘non-traders’ or ‘natural persons who are not entrepreneurs’, see Article 2(h) Restructuring Directive 2019/1023. In 1998, the Netherlands adopted as one of the last in the European Community (at that time) their debt rescheduling regime. In the second decade… Read More »2020-01-doc3 Consumer insolvency in Europe

2020-01-doc2 Enrol for Leiden’s ICCL study

Leiden University’s International Civil and Commercial Law (ICCL) programme is around for some ten years. It is a prime fit for a law graduate looking to pursue a challenging master’s study or for a legal practitioner understanding that law is not just what you know from your national legal box but if you wish to specialise in various private and… Read More »2020-01-doc2 Enrol for Leiden’s ICCL study

2020-01-doc1 Nieuwe druk Wessels Deel V (Bestuur en beheer) verschijnt binnenkort

De drukproeven van de geheel herziene en bijgewerkte tekst voor een nieuwe druk van Wessels Insolventierecht IV 2020, stuurde ik net naar uitgever Wolters Kluwer. Het betreft het deel in de serie over ‘Bestuur en beheer na faillietverklaring’. Het behandelt in het bijzonder de art. 64-107 Faillissementswet. Het commentaar gaat diepgaand in op de in 2017 versterkte positie van de… Read More »2020-01-doc1 Nieuwe druk Wessels Deel V (Bestuur en beheer) verschijnt binnenkort